Trying to catch up on this past summer's travel entries.
Next entry: We head home and on the way visit the woman who introduced us to the man in our life

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Postcard: Day 11

Got locked out of the flat yesterday upon arrival home, due to miscommunication, after walking to meet James at the grocery once he was done with work . It wasn't a warm night, luckily it was only an hour wait.

Not sure what we did on Sunday, likely it was to the library, and home to make dinner.
Yesterday we wrote for our other blog for about six hours, took up a large chunk of our alone time.

Slept too late again today topping off a 12 hour sleep session, difficult kicking that jet lag, and it's hard to wake up when it's so cold in the flat. The weather this afternoon is beyond chilly, as usual, a nice 1 degree Celsius with about 87% humidity and overcast. Get's into your bones and grips them. It may have snowed earlier but it is all gone now. We are nauseas, so we plan to stay in bed, and later maybe meet James on his walk home from work, about a 25 minute walk. It's refreshing to get some air.

Still no refrigerator (the kitchen is pretty cold though) so today's nausea may be caused by leftovers reheated for dinner last night. Heat doesn't kill all bacteria. Also could be yogurt stored at cold room temperature. Or perhaps too much bread in our carbohydrate sensitive belly.

So far enjoying the trip, wish it was more of a vacation, but in due time, hopefully next month we can do some weekend sight seeing.

A little homesick.

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