Trying to catch up on this past summer's travel entries.
Next entry: We head home and on the way visit the woman who introduced us to the man in our life

Monday, January 16, 2012

Countdown: Three Days

We can probably browse through now and find out what exciting things there are to do and see in England. We actually haven't, which is bizarre.

We always wonder what people imagine when they think of England, particularly the ones who have never been there.

Probably tea, poor dental hygiene, and the Queen. Right?
According to the Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD) the British actually has the healthiest teeth in the world. IN THE WORLD.
Amazing, right? So how about that. (For an expanded interesting read on that, and four other National stereotypes read:'The 5 Most Statistically Full of Shit National Stereotypes'

But we're still left with the Queen. Queen Elizabeth, who was crowned queen 53 years ago yesterday. God Save The Queen. Something.
Honestly, we're not interested in her, not interested in British Royalty at all, it's mostly symbolic anyway, and they are just people born into privilege - with some fucked up, excuse our language, history. About four hundred years ago they ruled that the government can overrule the monarchy, and they became a democratic country.

So, in the meantime, tea and the Queen, because you can't dispute the importance of tea to a Brit.

Oh, and you must'nt forget...The Monty Python (a fantastic British Sketch Comedy troupe)

Responsible for such awesome films as The Life of Brian. Here's a sample!

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