Trying to catch up on this past summer's travel entries.
Next entry: We head home and on the way visit the woman who introduced us to the man in our life

Friday, June 22, 2012

Five Days With Chicago

We're doing a back track on our month long road trip. We're starting off with week one, where we spent, first, 5 days in Chicago, May 20th-25th, 2012.
(City of Chicago Website:

We spent the first day was just basically arriving and checking into our hotel.

The second day was spent looking at property (that's a whole other story), and then the second way we went to the SHEDD Aquarium (, where they had the Jellies exhibit, by far the best part of the Aquarium.

The third day we went to the Museum of Science and Industry (, it's giant, we didn't get to see everything we wanted to see, and the special exhibit on Myth Busters was pretty disappointing (especially for the extra $10 admission price per person).

The fourth day we went to the Art Museum ( The Lichtenstein exhibit was featuring, and lots just say it was an eye opener. He basically got famous by mimicking famous artist of the previous 100 years, copying images onto canvas using a projector, and hiring people to do his artwork for him. We had fun tossing quips back and forth with James about his work, and got some good inspiration for our own artwork from the rest of the gallery (notice inspiration).

That night we picked up a friend from the airport who we drove to Detroit with the next day for a Tweetup (on our other blog, 'Did Someone Say Tweetup?"

The food in Chicago was more disappointing. We had, somewhere in us, fond memories of the good food from when we lived there for a little under a year, back in 2001. The likeliness is that we have developed a more discerning palate over the last 11 years (culinary education probably helped with that), and also we're not always very good with stopping sight-seeing to eat on time, which makes for an overdue and cranky eating experience. Also, the food was very expensive in Chicago, on average.

We did discover the wonder of Dunkin' Donuts, however, and poured black iced coffee down our throat all week long.

Following the Tweetup we went to Cleveland for a couple of days, looked at some property there, but were pretty exhausted of museums, so basically just chilled out until we had to leave to our first camp site at Allegany State Park (which we previously wrote about:

We didn't take too many pictures while there, but here are some of the better ones. Keep scrolling for a selection of our Jellyfish pictures! If you like one feel free to right-click save and use it as a desktop background! (all photos © Frank Ly et al, 2012)

...and now...JELLLIES! They really are wondrous creatures.

Lion's Mane Jellyfish

Jellyfish (unknown type - can't recall)

Japanese Sea Nettle Jellyfish

Jellyfish (we don't remember the name of it)

Egg Yolk Jellyfish

Jellyfish (unknown type - can't recall)

Jellyfish (currently unknown type, can't recall)

Jellyfish (currently unknown type, can't recall)

Oh...and this fish, wish we nicknamed 'James'...

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